
waterWheel blockout...

please tear it apart!

: )

  • Beau Kromberg(Bric-a-Brac) replied

    It looks great!  You could add some details that make the silhoutte less clean. In the treasure chest tutorial Kent slightly bevels the hard edges,  and then adds a bit of geometry to make them less perfect. But its lookin gooood :D

  • yukino hatake(yukinoh1989) replied

    Nice blockout, it looks great :D

  • ladymito replied

    Nice =)

  • Peter Varga(rationalrats) replied

    thank you ladymito , yyukinoh1989 and @lexicolopolis for kind feedback! means a lot!

    : )

    Homework Submission - Week 1 - WaterWheel

  • Peter Varga(rationalrats) replied

    Thanks for taking the time to comment!

    This part of the process I am most comfortable with (pushing verts) and it's gonna be baptism by fire from hereon, pretty much...

    : D

    I have NEVER sculpted a thing... ever...
    Looking forward to (and it influenced my choice of the asset; something to "make me learn";) challenging myself and making the best of all the phases to come.

    As for adding detail, I _have_ considered it but decided the KISS principle to override all urges in that direction, for now. This way it is at a nice round count of 500 faces; probably it will need to be prepared for sculpting anyway, which I am yet to learn about, as I go...

    Hope that the default cube treats you well throughout this phase, and the entirety of the project!

    Your research on the wheels was invaluable for this, as well as the whole team effort, need to emphasise! 

    Have a great weekend @lexicolopolis !
    (love that nick!;)

  • Phil Osterbauer(phoenix4690) replied

    Nice job Peter! Solid block to set you up for next week.

  • bun-bun replied

    Looks great! I like the fact that you ended this week with a solid block-out and did not go for details.
    Adding to much detail early on might get in the way of aligning all pieces with everything else. Looking forward to see your wheel progressing next week!

  • yukino hatake(yukinoh1989) replied

    damn really great , this will turn out in some fabulous waterwheel . the other details will come soon and i sure look forward to the progress of it

  • Mona Loren(monaloren) replied

    Looks like a very clean and nice blockout. Like it. This will turn out very well next week with the details.

  • Peter Varga(rationalrats) replied

    : )

    mmonaloren , yyukinoh1989 , bun-bun thank you so much!

    phoenix4690 thanks for leading RHCP (Anthony? ; ) and all the support, here and discord... sure feels like an awesome start!

    I'll try and use the time left (till tuesday) to do the treasureChest course, prepare myself for what comes next... I have zero experience with sculpting... : D 

    Thank you all (literally _all_ involved in the collab, even if not mentioned) sincerely!

    Have a great week!

  • Kent Trammell replied

    Perfect blockout rationalrats. PERFECT I say. Nice job making the stone support longer so it reaches deep enough below the water. As Phil mentioned below: This sets you up beautifully for Week 2. Full points from me 👏

  • Peter Varga(rationalrats) replied

    thank you @theluthier !
    : )

    here's hoping that I'll manage to keep up with the phases to follow, maintaining quality while learning as I go...

    you, the participants, team leaders, are just awesome! happy to be a part of it all...
    : )

    thanks again! your critique certainly carries weight! must not allow it to go to my head...
    : )

  • Peter Varga(rationalrats) replied

    my first sculpt, ever...
    : D

    ...and it's intended "application"!

    probably shouldn't be posting this...

    feedback is greatly appreciated, especially of the unflattering nature... gotto learn this fast!


    One small step for collabkind, one giant leap for me!

    : )

  • yukino hatake(yukinoh1989) replied

    What is application? Sorry for my bad english. 

    Depending what you tryed to sculpt this could be good. 

    For me the course, sculpting melvin was an amazing coirse that teached me so much about sculpting :) 

    Also dont be scared to post anything youre new with, that way you will only improve further. 

  • Peter Varga(rationalrats) replied

    well, application would be (hence quotation marks, ironic ; ) reproducing the look of the stone support structure the closest possible to the original artwork... or, more precisely, getting there by producing simplified throwaway exercises that tend to reveal the steps of the process new to me (this being the very first go) with the primary function of learning and perfecting the steps by actually doing them with each consecutive attempt... deadline and all...

    your english is just fine yyukinoh1989 , excuse mine : D I'll try that, less convoluted (in a hurry now but really want to "properly" answer you)

    seldom mentioned, not to be off putting I suppose, with pretty much any skill, imho:

    to reach good, one has to make, end to end, a lot of bad first...

    : )

    my first sculpt needs to be bad, and the second, so that through iteration and learning the process with each "reboot" I pick up the skill by doing things a little differently the next time, aiming for have something passable at worst for this weeks assignment by doing that, as many times as I can manage... so, I guess that would be the _real_ application: training! 

    reproducing the look set by Vadim's painting would be the goal... 

    : )

    thanks for taking interest!

    'hope that my rushed writing is better than my (as of now ; ) sculpting...

  • Kent Trammell replied

    Way to go rationalrats! First sculpt is a big step indeed :)

  • Peter Varga(rationalrats) replied

    aw, thanks @theluthier !
    : )
    words of encouragement to give me the extra b00st just in time for my second swing at it...

    I will be posting the outcome in a couple of hours, for... I have no shame!
    : D

    not to waste any more of (either one's) time... getting to it!

  • Peter Varga(rationalrats) replied

    sculpting; day two...

    getting a hang of it...
    : D

    learning a lot!

    crashed blender... (notice the modesty in the multires degree? ; )

    convinced of having a rough idea how to go about the stone structure... now, only need to figure out the wooden bits!
    : D

  • Kent Trammell replied

    DEFINITELY getting the hang of it 💪

  • Peter Varga(rationalrats) replied

    if you say so @theluthier I won't argue!
    : )

    tomorrow, I'll be having a go at wood... the techniques demonstrated in the just elapsed livestream and, just watching you go at it, significantly raises my chances I feel...

    thanks for everything! you're doing an amazing job... considering the sheer volume among other things: bordering with impossible... it is greatly appreciated!