Back Face Culling


Can a back face culling work on a simple cube? We’re trying to build a room and instead of building different planes into one, we’re using a cube.

Please advise what’s the best option. 

  • Milda Samsonaite(mims) replied

    it seems that my backface culling doesn’t work at all. When the cube was created and windows added as a separate object- nothing was happening besides window dissappearing when backface culling is on.

  • spikeyxxx replied

    Backface culling works. Be aware of the Normals!

    Backface Culling off:

    And the same with Backface Culling:

  • Milda Samsonaite(mims) replied

    Thank you very much @spikeyxxx. I have tried to do exactly the same but it doesn't seem to work at all. Am I forgetting anything?

  • spikeyxxx replied

    Right, when you enable the Face Orientation, you will see the Faces that are facing you ('front-facing') in blue and the ones that are facing away from you (meaning you see the backside of those Faces) in red. 

    What I did in my screenshots was turning the default Cube 'inside out'.

    Select all in Edit Mode and press SHIFT+N:

    and then check 'inside' to flip the Normals:

    Now you can see the effect of Backface Culling.

    It's a bit tricky to explain, but I hope this helps.

    Feel free to ask again if it still isn't clear :)