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We found 8 matching results.

HUMAN: Realistic Portrait Creation with Blender
The art of 3D portrait creation demystified. This Blender tutorial course spans over 28 hours of video, teaching the entire process step-by-step from scratch. 100% Ble...
TREAD: Hard Surface Asset Creation for Video Games
Discover the full workflow of hard surface modeling in Blender with TREAD. Learn to use modifiers and non-destructive techniques for intricate designs, efficient UV un...
Blender Grease Pencil - Mastering Brush Settings Part II
Grease Pencil brushes are versatile and customizable, but the settings can be a little confusing, and results may not work the way you want them to. This week, let's p...
Blender Film Review: "The Daily Dweebs"
Our goal with these "reviews" is to delve into each film for an hour, considering things like narrative, artistry, and technical execution. This week we're looking at ...
Cartoon Rendering Crash Course
While photorealistic rendering is the more popular focus for computer graphics, cartoon rendering is still in high demand. In this course, you'll learn how to create 2...
Using 3D for Environment Concepts
In this course, Tyler Edlin takes you through how to setup an environment from thumbnails, followed by how to use 3d software such as Google Sketchup to lay out a scen...
Retopology with RetopoFlow 3
RetopoFlow, the premier retopology add-on for Blender, helps to quickly create new low poly geometry on top of high poly sculpts and scans. In this tutorial series, Jo...
Fundamentals of Pixel Art
This course is set to teach you the fundamentals of pixel art, from learning the different terms to setting up Photoshop to work specifically for pixel art. We will go...