
Spring 2015 Contest: Blood Red Rose Final

I had a lot of fun with this contest. Thank you to everyone that voted for my first concept. I hope you like this one as well. If I could link a song to this image this would be it! "Blood Red Rose" by C21FX: ----- In this illustration we find the princess has come of age, but there is still a sense of fragility that was evident in my first concept. However, she has grown into her role as the "Rose Princess". I chose to use colors to help carry the story. 'Rose' red, was used not only in the dress, but the swords hilt, hair, and eyes. Additionally, all of the shading was done in green, to help symbolize the character's full embodiment of the rose. The princess was given the name Rose, due to the fact that she was born with red eyes and hair. Her royal seal (Ouroboros and the Blood Rose) is visible on the wall behind her, as she poses for her coronation portrait. She is beautiful and passionate, but emotionally fragile. She never wanted to be the princess, but has a deep love for all of her subjects. She is an accomplished 'swordmen' and can be seen holding her sword 'Thorn". ----- Just some of the things that were going through my head, as I developed the illustration. - Best of luck to all. This is going to be tough one for the judges.
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