
Product video on IP Exchange Final This is a short product teaser video created for the BT Global IP Exchange product. It was done almost entirely in Blender except for small texturing in Photoshop and the final video editing in Adobe Premiere (sound design and editing was done in the Reaper DAW). The animated textures of the interface panels were created in After Effects and then imported into blender. Modelling entirely by me; the holo material for the earth globe is adapted from the blenderdiplom tutorial (check this out!). Special thanks to Mr. Kuhn for the rigging courses - without them the animation would have been a pain to spread over the multiple files for each scene. Part of the animation was planned and executed in the Motion Tool Add-on (you can find it on blendermarket) which sped up the workflow significantly. Another tool thouroughly used was bwide note pack for the denoising of the cycles renders.
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