
prime Work In Progress

I've been working on this G1 optimus Prime for some time now, using just box modling and I wanted to have the reason prime has the face plate in the generation one storys incorporated in to my modle. that reason being that he was origanly call Orian Pax until Megatron shot him in the chest with his ion cannon and after alfa trion rebuilt and rename pax he had to have the face plate fitted to hide the damage to the lower half of his face which am gessing is made of rubber like the animatronic head used to make the Teen age mutant turtles in the 1990's movies using the box modling I could get the face to be in human but not so ugly that it would need to be hiden behind a face plate. but now that I have worked out how to get sculpt mode to work I can realy go to town on manking him up I think this is the best starting point to a new user of sculpt mode because in like the precision needed to make the human body in a way that makes it look good/clean/appealing the rules of ugling some one up are erm ther aren't any I can litraly skrible on the face like a four year old with a crayon and then go ho look I made a mess of the mesh!! which is the exact goal I started out with so ye in expeariance is a weakness right up to the time I force it to be a strength failure to make a pretty picture is only a failure until I make the choice to make something ugly I'm only loosing until I inevitably win ok that's it I quit!!! till I come back for more :P
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