
Keyblade Graveyard Final

"Behold. These lifeless keys used to be full of power—united with the hearts of their masters. On this barren soil, Keyblades of light and darkness were locked in combat, as a great Keyblade War raged. Countless Keyblade wielders gave up their lives, all in search for one, ultimate key." —Master Xehanort This is my version of the Keyblade Graveyard from the Kingdom Hearts Series. The Gathering cinematic was my inspiration for this. I've decided to change the keyblades at the centre to the Kingdom Key, End of the Earth and Master Keeper (originally Kingdom Key, Way to the Dawn, and Kingdom Key D). There are around 20 unique keyblades, from the games as well as concepts and are distributed throughout the graveyard using a particle system. The three in the centre are highpoly models while the rest I've tried to keep lowpoly.
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