
Dual flag simulation render Final

My project on rendering feasible flags for real use is progressing towards something more realistic. The fact that I added a second flag multiplied my issues (I had problems with the physics simulation). Also, simple pinning is not giving a nice result (see my former poor versions in the gallery). But as I tried cloth interaction (to go for ropes and flags) this was much to complicated for Blender to handle. So I tried a fake with a pin and a graphical version of a ribbon. The material is now a mix of glossy, translucent and transparent shaders allowing the flag just slightly have environment lighting and objects behind shine through. Last I added compositing with some chromatic abberation, and fog glow and of course vector blur for the movement. I tried less samples in Cycles for a grain effect and as I use an HDR environment already giving a right side vignetting. The logos of BT and KPN are copyright of the companies respectively. This is an actual partner illustration.
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