• silentheart00

    But, like others said, really great for prototyping and hastening the workflow.

  • silentheart00

    Yeah, and visual scripting can't be exactly 1:1 into the codebase, either. You can make the tool as close as possible, but if you know how to program, it's just better to write code.

  • Jan-Willem van Dronkelaar(3dioot)

    I also love how the root movement dictates player movement. That is very neat!

  • Darren McBain(oboshape)

    hopefully as with other node based stuff, some of the more tangly trees could be grouped together

  • silentheart00

    Hey, it is fairly snappy, isn't it?

  • silentheart00

    Agreed, n647

  • Jan-Willem van Dronkelaar(3dioot)

    The delay on this stream is very small btw! I love that! :) Chat appears almost directly in the stream.

  • n647

    yea but for anithing more complex you may want to use traditional code as the visual scripting can become a huge tangle

  • Jan-Willem van Dronkelaar(3dioot)

    silentheart that is very true! Its also faaast for prototyping. :)

  • silentheart00

    I think it's good for something like Technical Artists to help bridge the gap between Art and Programming. Easier for artists to see their work in game than to wait for the programmers to get it in game.

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Learn the basic concepts of game logic by using visual scripting with Bolt. Bolt is a visual scripting asset for use in Unity.  We will dive into common topics from the Game Programming Bootcamp and discuss how we can replicate similar mechanics using visual scripting. If you're brand new to game development or you're looking for an easier way to bring your game ideas to life then this is the live stream to watch!