This event is part of the October 2018 Class, "Shading & Lighting with Blender"
Architectural Visualization (Arch Viz) rendering is often a coveted skillset among lighting enthusiasts. This week we're looking at lighting for realism, featuring natural outdoor light from windows and artificial light from light fixtures. We'll also explore the necessary materials for our interior.

@theluthier the light from your window almost reaching your face. You should rotate hdri!
Thank you Kent
Thank you gonna try this out :D
alt click doesn't work for me.
Does anyone know Arnold or know of good Arnold tutorials?
Oh, I know it's super easy in Mental Ray.
It's better to fake them
Because Cycles is pretty bad at creating caustics
I think the checker texture would be better to see the scale of it
Why would you want to make fake caustics?To speed up the render time?