Due to unforeseen technical difficulties, this stream is 720p instead of the usual 1080p. Apologies about that!
In recent weeks, members of the CGC Blender Community have been participating in a challenge thread about matching one of their favorite lighting examples. It's been a lot of fun - I've done 2 already and plan to do more:
In this stream, I'll be tackling one or two live. I think I'll start with the one below. Come, embrace your inner gaffer, and join the lighting fun!
Lighting Match #2 | Lighting Match #3 |
It can also be that some of this colors and values were altered by hand in Photoshop .
can you use a negative value on lamp subtract light?
In general?
Is it better to use a separate shadow render pass and combine it during compositing?
The ground plane is a bit too shiny.
the shadow on the ground (in the reference) looks darker
Make the area light smaller? To make the shadow sharper.
It's good for eclipse effect too.
I just have trouble with reds mostly, Sometimes really light green and yellow. For the fundamentals of lighting course, I just googled lightbulb color values to get the lamps in the night scene.
apply a greyscale filter?