3D "Doodles"
A "doodle" in 3D is essentially a complete project / render accomplished from start to finish in a short amount of time. For streams like this it's 1-2 hrs. The goal is to speed up a workflow and increase output.
In this stream we're going to create a wintry lake environment based on a photo. There's several elements to create including trees, terrain, lake surface, and volumetric fog. So we're going to have to cut as many corners as possible while maintaining visual fidelity. Should be fun!
Here's my exploratory render:

this really is fun xD
@theluthier (had one more idea beneath)
light baked soft surface cake with a cream mask and fluided chocolate sauce
Thx Kent
omg i know it . light baked soft surface cake with a cream mask and fluided chocolate sauce
I have the perfect name for a dish: "Particle System Fried Rice bowl"
Great seeing everyone again....catch you all next week!
Thanks Kent
Yes indeed Yukino :)
thanks kent it was really fun ;)
bye bye :)