This stream is part of the 2021 Collaboration. Find out about it from the HQ Forum Thread.
NOTE: These stream agendas are predictions and subject to change according to the needs of the project
Week 1 - Stream Agenda
- Welcome
- Guidelines
- Teams
- Overview week 1
- Demo:
- Setup reference camera
- Blockout house
- Model the roof
WHOOPS forgot to end the stream. Sorry about that
oh hi there!
Good morning everybody 😀!
I can still say stuff.
And a final "Good Night" to all night owls 🦉👻 at 1 a.m. CEST.
Oh, hi Omar, then we can now celebrate my birthday with some extra cookies 🎂😀!
Yes thank you for the cookies, they were delicious
Oh, hi,
beefkeef, did you see where Omar went with the cookie bag?
I'm still here, sweeping the floor and putting the coffee cups away 😃