• k

    "everything is Awesome!!"

  • Jake Korosi(jakeblended)

    dostovel maybe, but people in socialist societies still work though and I imagine it has the potential to be just as dreary

  • Colin (colinkeller)

    I think some people equate their current work grind with all work, so even their passion appears to be a grind when it's envisioned as "work".

  • Jake Korosi(jakeblended)

    Yeah "work is a foil"

  • Omar Domenech(dostovel)

    You can easily go into Capitalism/Socialism in the topic of this movie

  • Char Hunter(Char)

    I work my 9-5 for insurance purposes, then come home and do what I love creatively. Building on my experiences to possibly make income with it.

  • q


  • q

    Money is a tool. A means to an end.

  • Dragonice (dragonice69)


  • Dragonice (dragonice69)

    +1 for Kent , +2 for Tim

Alike is a 2015 3D computer-animated short film directed by Daniel Martinez Lara and Rafa Cano Mendez. The animation production took 4 years to complete along with the help of ex-animation students using Blender. The animated short is a story of the relationship of a father and his son who live in a society "where order and work ethic literally choke the colour and creativity out of its inhabitants". -Wikipedia

Alike is one of the most acclaimed Blender short films to date, having received numerous awards at film festivals and viewed over 10 million times across the internet. Join Kent Trammell, Jonathan Lampel, and Tim Von Rueden for a riveting discussion about the film and bring popcorn! Also some tissues because it's a tear-jerker.

Animation Film Reviews