Understanding the magic behind Blender's latest render tech.
Easily the most exciting feature of Blender 2.8's development is the Eevee render engine. Most of us know the highlights by now:
- Realtime physically-based rendering
- Comparable to modern game engine tech
- Material compatibility with Cycles
- Fast volumetrics
- Full proof way to never wait on Cycles renders again!
Ok, that last one is a joke. That would be nice though, wouldn't it? Alas even Eevee has it's pros and cons like any tool. It's not replacing Cycles anytime soon.

The hype is real, but nuanced
There's a lot of hype around this new tool and a lot of people are singing it's praises, which is deserved. But there's far fewer people talking about Eevee's short-comings and significant changes to workflow it requires, especially if you're not a competent game artist already.
In this course, Ethan goes into great detail about the pros, cons, and quirks of Eevee. Whether you're finding Eevee overwhelming or underwhelming, this course is a must watch.

What You'll Learn:
Collections showcase - While this organizational feature isn't an Eevee-exclusive, it's very useful and worth a sneak peak.
Eevee lights + Post effects - Shadow bias, contact shadows, bloom, reflection probes, baked GI...all things covered here.
Eevee materials - It's so nice that Eevee's materials are compatible with Cycles. Though it's important to be aware of where they're different, especially when it comes to transparency.
Game art tricks - Since Eevee is a game engine at heart, it helps to know some game artist tricks to both improve visual quality and speed optimize your scene.