Tank Game Asset Creation Pt 1 Live Stream

Hey everyone, I just wanted to remind you all about my upcoming live stream on creating a tank game asset in Unity. This will start at 12 PST or in about an hour from this posting. I'll be going over utilizing the low poly tank found here: https://blendermarket.com/products/mini-tank-asset-pack 

This tank asset was used in the Tank Ball course: https://cgcookie.com/course/developing-tank-ball but in a non-traditional way. So I'll be creating a series on making this into a traditional tank game asset complete with movement, animating UV for the tank treads and shooting. This will all be covered with Bolt visual scripting as well.

In this first part I'll be going over basic movement mechanics to get the tank up and running around a test environment. Come join me and take a look into what it takes to create a moving tank in your next game!

Here is the link to the event: https://cgcookie.com/live_streams/tank-game-asset-creation-pt1