UPBGE - Interactive Scene - test build 0.01

Hello, my name is Leonardo Braz and I recently started developing a new project wich yet don´t have a name. 7 days ago, after 8/7 years of self lurning BGE I decided to give it a go and start a real project of a game, in Blender. I am not very secure about it because so far, every time I started a project in BGE it always became disappointing and frustrating. The game engine of Blender is everything but good to create a strong and rough game. With it, it cames not only old shader methods to produce it´s graphics, but also contains lots of problems with exportation, importation, engine flowability, and most frustrating of all is that I spend most of the times trying to get around problems that the software should already been fixed them, then actually creating the game.

 Instante groups don´t contain enough data to introduce softy all that "data" you firt added, and in some cases even may import desnecessary objects. I pressume that the "library method is not the best" Texture animation is full of bugs and sometimes don´t even work at all.

Embedded Player and the Standalone Player, a lot of the times don´t even show the same scenery. Standalone Player always breaks something up.

Game exportation is other frustrating part. After Packed up, exported and sended to other friends to give it a try, the game always contain problems and bugs that didn´t even showed in the first place. Animation rate messed up, Horrible FPS "even without nothing in the scene"... so on, so on.

After all this years never any real improvement in the engine. Always containg the same bugs, and ageing year after year.

With amazing game creation softwares in the market, for example the new free UnrealEngine, all other game softwares need to stand out just like Unity is trying "succefully" to do . If  Blender Game is not improved drastically it will soon die "if not already dead". "We" already saw some amazing sceneries made in BGE, but is always from someone who can code shaders and implement those recoded shaders to the engine. I´m not a strong enough programer to even understand how it´s done, and is not even something that I want to understand. I´m a game designer and my function isn´t to program the tools I use but yes to USE them. The programing of the software should be the work of the ones "who are developing them".

But so, after 7 days in developing this is what I end up with. The firsts 3 days was to try to find and aprove a good game style. It´s still very young but looking good enough for me to like it. 

A base mesh terrain with 2 km (X) x (Y) but only detailed scenery around 100 m.

FPS still on 60 but already trying to drop. Most of it, it´s because of the base mesh terrain containg more than 200 000 polygons and blender also don´t deal very well with polygons like it should be. Optimization (LOD) of the base mesh terrain will come at last, but not yet.

Poly-art style used in the Interactive scene. Some simple filters used in the right way "Post-Processing Filters addom", but everything else is only using realtime UPBGE 2.78 lighting shaders that it can provide us.