:( Comment, not a question

posted to: Modeling the Rocket

Not a question, a comment.  I was a subscriber and wasn't able to use any of the tutorials I found here, not your fault, just no one or very few people do fashion in Blender as art (only found a handful of us in the past few years)  So I ended up canceling, was not something I could use.  But this week, I got an update in my email and I saw one (a tutorial) that would help me get acquainted with Blender 2.8 because it can appear very alien, when you first open it, after using the previous versions for so many years. I thought, how sweet of them to offer something free and it's something I can use. I may subscribe again. Then I get here and not only is it not free. If I wanted to purchase it, it's 40 dollars? I paid less for a course on Udemy that taught me to code 12 different games and make the assets.  No thanks, going now to unsub to even the little newsletters ya'll send out.