Edge loop trouble (also skipped Rule #2 due to preference)

Hey Jonathan,

I've been following all the lessons and successfully made the bottom-part of the Roboorb untill the swoop ;). However i noticed that the amount of edges i use to make the bottom did not equal the amount of the first form. So i recreated it.
However in the end i get a strange bug https://imgur.com/6w923p5 wich i can't fix. Plus some edge and face loops don't cover the entire final mesh; (faceloop) https://imgur.com/gy4T3nV (Edge loop doesn't form) https://imgur.com/9Np69zC. All loops seem to stop at the Swoop; https://imgur.com/0EiZook.

Have you any idea how to solve this mystery? Also: Can i submit this exercize without following Rule #2?

CG Groundbirdie