(Not a question) Oh gosh, how much pain I could've been saved from if I've found this course sooner!

This course is soooo, sooo helpful, I can't even tell. Thank you so much for making it! Before CG Cookie, I tried to learn Blender on YouTube but all the Retopology method I've learnt from there was so painful because they didn't tell I only need to check two things to see my intersecting edges. It also teached me the wrong method of Retopology you mentioned in the previous video and I was always wondering why does it have to be so tedious to connect my wolf's chest (few geometry) with her leg/paw (extrem amount of geometry).

Sorry for spamming with not a question, I'll try not doing it as a habit, but I just had to express my gratitude of you teaching me that this monster called "Retopology" doesn't have to be a nightmare.