Bedroom Night Scene EEVEE (Digital Lighting course)



There's a lot to this topic of lighting, hopefully one day the light bulb will go on over my head, as it's a bit over my head right now. lol

Here's mt attempt at the eevee bedroom night scene. Great course and it is demystifying the topic, I'm a little more comfortable and coming more out of the shadows, the light isn't that scary after all.

I usually have to save the files as 8 bit RBG at 50% compression so I could upload it, so I'm not sure how much that affects the look, doesn't seem to bad except for under the night stand and beside the bed is a lot darker than the original. I kept changing the values to lighten it up but then it gets ridiculous on my end how bright it is, so the trade off for the compressed file is there. I'm starting to see the reason for some discrepancies I've been seeing.  I also often wondered how you manage the massive amount of uploads you must regularly get, ay yi yi.

The light reflection in the window is the light of left lamp but the lamp isn't reflecting. I tried adjusting the clip start and that made the shadows from the lamp go wonky, so I left it. I didn't find a way to fix that issue. Pretty neat trick in dropping the specular to hide the reflection though, that's a beauty gold nugget and the Irradiance Volumes are pretty cool but need the bake button on their tab, lol.


ght scene eevee3.png

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