Discord server for cgc members.

It is a long time since i was on here talking about the cgc community discord server. We saw alot of activitiy in the beginning but after some time it kind of died, As a result i had to get members elsewhere and therefore i had to open the server for members outside the cgc community. The name of the server is now "Cg Art Cafe", and is open for everyone doing some kind of digital art. Unfortuantly thiscouldnt prevent the server from going down. Now it is only a few members who comes in every now and then for a chat. It is stil here though, and especially now with the collab and all, the activities has gone up abit. 

So if you want a place to hanghout with your fellow cookies, the server is stil here. Cgc members have their own part of the server that are open only to them. They are also able toacess the rest of the server.

Follow the link if you want to join.


To acess the cgc part of the server you need to be granted the "cookie" role. Send me a message or mention me in cofee and cookies which is the main chat room.