How to Switch the Select/Deselect Colors in Texture Paint mode? Current is confusing.

Please see photo below: In Texture Paint mode, faces that are DE-selected appear bright as THOUGH they are selected, where as selected surfaces appear their normal color as if DE-selected. I've been working past this but is there just an easier way to adjust this so I'm not repeatedly misreading what I'm doing?

I love how Edit mode gives you that clear orange to show you what is selected. So I've searched the "Show Overlays" and "Preferences > Themes" menus for what could be the culprit but with no luck so far.

Here's what I've tried:

1. Switching Themes to see if it could be changed at all. None of the other modes change this.

2. "Show Overlays"'s check boxes don't change anything whether on or off, but weirdly, the select/deselect colors go away completely when "Show Overlays" are switched off as a whole. *sigh*

3. I then went to "Preferences > Themes" to search for a way to either flip the Select/Deselect colors in 3D Viewport or make them match Edit Mode, but nothing I adjusted seemed to change what I was trying to change. I could spend more time adjusting every lever in the menu to see what is the one that does the trick but that would take an ungodly amount of time.

Does anyone know the solution to this?

Select/Deselect colors are confusing in Texture Paint Mode

1 love
  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    HI Chris,

    I don't think you can change that (unless you compile Blender yourself and change it in the source code).

    It's possible that there is an addon out there, that has that ability built in, but I haven't been able to find one (and I'm not sure if the Python API even has access to those colors).

    1 love
  • Omar Domenech replied

    Yeah it's a bit puzzling, you get used to it. It would be cool if you could change it, but as with many things you adapt. So not to worry about it too much I guess.

    1 love
  • Jonathan Lampel replied

    I do think it makes sense that you see the selection as its normal color since you'll want to see the accurate colors for the area you're painting while it doesn't matter if what you're not painting on is greyed out. It is very weird that this doesn't seem to be tied to a user preference though, it totally should be. At least it could use the 'Face' color.