
Exercise 38 – Applying Studies Final

Hello everyone! I was so happy when this exercise was announced, I knew right away it would be fun. And it was! Applying what I learned in the previous one was a nice experience. For the first picture, I stuck pretty close to the original but tried to reinterpret it in my own way. Since both original pictures were pretty static, I figured I'd stray a bit more from what was given and applied the general color scheme to a completely new character. However, I still wanted to incorporate elements of the original in the new picture. That's how I ended up painting this psycho jester. The picture is not quite done yet, but since I won't get to work on it for a while, I'm submitting it now. Amongst other things, I learned that I'm probably to hesitant about color variations and intensity. I'll try to pay attention to that in the future while still trying not to overdo it.
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