
Vampire Boss Final

This is my first piece of art aside from a few pencil sketches. i started it originally for the vampire competition but i missed it. my thoughts for the scene were where would an immortal vampire be and figured it would have made its way into a position of power and authority and in this day and age that generally means the high ranks of industry and commerce so i made him into a corporate boss. i didn't want to make the vampire some kind of comedy thing as i like monsters to be monstrous, and i think i have captured some of the savagery of these creatures. The scene was painted entirely in GIMP using the default soft edge brushes the only custom brush i made for this image was the lace brush for her stockings and underwear. (she was painted from nude in layers so i could adjust her outer clothes as necessary.) you can check out the works in progress on my website!works-in-progress/cee5
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