
Sea Witch and the Seagull Work In Progress

This is my entry for Alef Vernon‘s Witch contest on Instagram! #MyWitchArt He made a base sketch of a witch and people were supposed to finish the sketch however they felt like it! Of course, I was thrilled and had to make my own witch! (I love witches so much in case you didn't notice already! xD) I mean just look at his sketch and how beautiful it looks when it's not even complete yet! At first, I had no idea what should she be! I just drew her face and let her hair flow but then I had to stop because I was supposed to meet up with my friends! We sat at a restaurant by the sea watching the seagulls playing with the magically blue water and bathing in the sun and it reminded me of that one time when I was in Aswan, sailing the Nile and the birds would follow the boat because the sailors throw them food in the air and the birds would just catch the food so skillfully! When I got home and I was looking at the picture I got of the sea colors, it hit me! Her hair already looked like sea waves and witches normally have Crows and Owls as pets, so why not Seagulls? I finally decided I’m making a SEA WITCH feeding her pet Seagull! Her wand and ring are inspired from sea corals and her hat from sea shells. Her wand has a tiny crystal so she can see visions and cool stuff like that (and yes her wand has something like a handle because I think it’s more convenient this way). I tried to make her hair look like waves but I’m not yet skilled with colors... Anyway, I’m happy I finished before the deadline for once! And tried to play a little with lights. I hope I'll win!!
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