
1951 Chevrolet 3100 Final

Vehicle created for the June hard-surface modeling class.
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  • I love the collection of screen shots you have included here. It's nice to see a breakdown which shows the hours of work you have put into this model. The textures look great as well.

  • @wesburke This is the very first vehicle I've ever tried actually. The hardest problem it seems to me, especially with curves like this, is keeping surfaces smooth. It's tricky to add holding edges to make a tight crease in say THIS spot, because the other end of that edge might be in a smoother area that you do not want any creases or ripples in. It takes time and care.

    On the abstract, the hardest challenge was my lack of confidence. I chose this vehicle only hours before the deadline, because I kept looking at vehicles and not believing I could model them well. Seeing edge-modeling demo'ed in the live stream really helped boost my confidence and seeing the truck come together toward the end really helped as well.