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We found 20 matching results.

Modeling a Snow Sled with Blender 2.8
Modeling a snow sled with Blender 2.8 using hard surface polygon techniques.
Shading & Rendering the Snow Sled with Blender 2.8
Adding materials and procedural textures to our snow sled with Blender 2.8, finalizing the render with treatment in the compositor.
30 Things Every Unity Developer Should Know
Jonathan Gonzalez shares 30 essential tips he's learned over the years as a game dev.
Model: Sci-fi Door
Modeling of a sci-fi door from Youtube Show
Scene: Upside Down
Model from the sci-fi blitz YT show
Blender 3.0: What do we know so far?
What is going to change in Blender 3.0 and when is it coming? The new version of Blender is already in the works.
PARTICLES: Introduction to Simulation Nodes
Learn everything there is to know about Simulation Nodes, and make a custom physics engine at the same time!
Learn Blender 2.8 and beyond - The Basics Tutorial
In this Blender beginner tutorial video series, you’ll learn everything you need to know to start making your own 3D models in Blender 2.8.
Blender Sci-Fi Blitz is a new YouTube Live Show
Blender and sci-fi meet in a new YouTube show by CG Cookie! Watch YouTuber Chris Bailey race the clock as he creates a sci-fi image of your choosing within a 60 minute...
The Best Free CG Cookie Content You Didn't Know Existed
No CG Cookie PRO account? No worries. Some of our most popular resources are free.
Five Blender Modifiers Every Artist should know how to use.
Discover the power of Blender modifiers to enhance your modeling workflow. Dive into the essentials like Curve, Mirror, Simple Deform, and Smooth Laplacian from expert...
Nita Ravalji: "Digital Artists, Let The World Know You Are Here!"
Nita Ravalji is a Blender and concept artist who now operates her own animation studio.
Pierrick Picaut: "There is a lot of failure I don't show"
Pierrick Picaut is a Blender educator and animator. With his courses like Alive! and The Art of Effective Rigging in Blender, he is building his own brand as a Blender...
Invite a Friend to CG Cookie, Get $10 for Both of You!
Refer a friend to CG Cookie and get $10 for both of you! Our new affiliate program is now live.
“My Students Use Blender Exclusively” says High School Teacher
What does teaching Blender look like in a classroom? Parks Gettys, a high school teacher from Alabama, knows it first hand.
Learn the Blender Basics Tutorial Series
In less than 1 hour, learn everything you need to know to start using Blender like a boss. This tutorial series will give you the right foundation for creating your ow...
What's new in Blender 3.0?
Everything you need to know about Blender 3.0: from new user interface to modeling changes and virtual reality as well as new modeling tools.
Your Personal Roadmap: Understanding where you are, knowing where you need to go.
Online learning personalize progress tracking from CG Cookie gives you the bird's eye view of what's currently on your plate. The progress report shows all the Learnin...