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Create a VFX shot in Blender: Alien Abduction
Dive into our UFO Abduction Blender VFX course! Master Blender's tools and craft a complete VFX shot from scratch. Perfect for UFO and VFX enthusiasts eager to learn.
Scene: Alien Egg Chamber
You're challenged to download the scene file and push the scene even further sharing it below in questions/comments for a chance to be featured on the next live stream...
From Blender to Modeling Sonic the Hedgehog: Interview with Alin Bolcas
Learn from Alin Bolcas, the modeler of Sonic the Hedgehog for the new movie. From disovering 3D through Blender to landing a job at MPC, this interview explores the Al...
Blender Workshop at Allen County Public Library
CG Cookie’s community ambassador Charlie Williams visited the Allen County Public Library this spring, running a workshop focused on Blender for 3D Printing.