• Kent Trammell(theluthier)

    whosywhatsies, whatchamacallits..

  • Char Hunter(Char)

    yeah :-)

  • Kent Trammell(theluthier)

    I agree. Makes me wish I knew exactly what he was doing with all the parameters, vectors, classes...

  • Char Hunter(Char)

    still looks cool to learn though

  • Kent Trammell(theluthier)


  • Char Hunter(Char)

    totalllly *shakes head no*

  • Kent Trammell(theluthier)

    I'm a Unity noob, especially in terms of scripting. Gonzo is making my head spin - You guys following along??

  • Kent Trammell(theluthier)

    Not sure what I think about Ustream either

  • Kent Trammell(theluthier)

    We're kinda livestreams novices...they much harder than merely recording training!

  • Kent Trammell(theluthier)

    dostovel We couldn't figure out why Gonzo's mic only comes out of left speaker. So we set my audio to come out of the right to simulate "conversation" haha. That effect might not be working ☺️

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In this first live stream of our top down shooter series we'll be looking at creating a moving character. We'll use a package from the Unity asset store found here: https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/44678