• t
    Laura (tomato-cactus)

    For exaggeration, I think his ears a bit perhaps, pulling out the top part of his ear, a little like 'monkey ears.' If you look at his pictures, he has a little bit of that going on with his ears.

  • t
    Laura (tomato-cactus)

    I think it's really starting to look like him, especially now that you've added hair

  • Michal Zisman(michalzisman)

    JMichal, not Michael. the "cha" is pronounced like trying to clear the throat hahaha

  • Matthew Ullrey(ullreym)

    If Kent were to model a caricature of his boy, what would he exaggerate?

  • Michal Zisman(michalzisman)

    The nose looks great! Perfectly childish!

  • t
    Laura (tomato-cactus)

    Hmm,... I guess it's easy to relate to characters, they're the life of a story for me :) Imagining them in a specific world setting, with a background story to them, I love creating these complex stories with characters and then bringing the characters to life.

    It's really hard to explain haha! It must be this attraction to other living, humanoid things! I just think humans are so interesting and full of personality, that it's fun to capture that :)

  • Omar Domenech(dostovel)

    Animation is awesome but rigging is such a nightmare, is like having to eat your vegetables before you can go play

  • Matthew Ullrey(ullreym)

    Character Modeling and Animation. It brings a sense of life to all the ones and zeros.

  • Jonathan Lampel(jlampel)

    No worries, it's being recorded so you can always catch it later!

  • Michal Zisman(michalzisman)

    I thought this starts much later :O I've missed half an hour...

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In continuing with the project from the last stream, the goal this time is to complete the pixar-ification of my son's head sculpt. Come hang out with me as I work with Blender's digital sculpting tools and bring some questions for me to answer!