• David Frazier(pointoflife14)

    Yeah right there

  • m

    silentheart00; this is true , and a small cintiq is problematic too..

  • silentheart00

    Yeah, Cintiqs are probably the best option since you can see directly where the mouse is, but most people can't drop that kind of money. My Bamboo tablet took a lot of getting used to.

  • Kevin (spiderhund)

    mmalhomsi oh yeah a tablet with a screen would be way better

  • David Frazier(pointoflife14)

    Jonathan: Do you have a simple screenshot pic of all those vertex junction examples (object planes) you just showed?

  • m

    Kevin ; i never get used to the tablette , i bought a Cintiq i while ago , and it solve the problem

  • William Miller(williamatics)

    I only use a mouse.

  • Kevin (spiderhund)

    Yeah just having trouble getting started with the tablet

  • silentheart00

    oooc No prob!

  • silentheart00

    spiderhund Hey! If that works best for you, then go for it! It definitely takes some practice with the tablet, so don't worry! Keep practicing and you'll get there.

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The next CG Cookie modeling course will be focused on helping beginner artists get the skills and confidence needed to model anything they set their mind to. To celebrate the launch, I will cover what to expect from the course and give an overview of the most important concepts included in it. 
