• Jan-Willem van Dronkelaar(3dioot)

    I.e. timing tied to cp cycles

  • Jan-Willem van Dronkelaar(3dioot)

    I know some of you youngsters can't imagine this stuff... But it essentially existed because bad programming was rampant back then so games ran too fast on your pc. Depress the turbo to slow your pc down... hahaha

  • silentheart00

    Mm, I enjoy having different sound levels while wearing headphones. Who needs hearing?

  • Omar Domenech(dostovel)

    That stuff never worked

  • s

    Would be fun to see Melvin speed eat sheep :)

  • Omar Domenech(dostovel)

    I remember the turbo button

  • Jan-Willem van Dronkelaar(3dioot)
  • silentheart00

    Super speed!

  • Jake Korosi(jakeblended)

    Yeah and that basic problem is why a lot of very old PC games, if you can patch them or otherwise convince them to work on a modern machine, often seem to play in super-speed mode.

  • s

    You're much older than us I guess lol 😛

In this live stream you'll get to see a peek behind the curtain of my workflow on our latest game project known as Eat More Sheep. This game project is a 2.5D side scroller that will be available as a course. I'll be putting the final touches to the game and making improvements throughout the stream. Feel free to pop in and ask questions or just sit back and watch to get a look at how this game has come together. 
