• n

    Very good talk this worked out very well but can't wait for the 2.8 talk Cookie On

  • Grant Wilk(grantwilk)

    What can you recommend to a person looking to sell training courses?

  • Char Hunter(Char)

    Guys thanks for this event, it was very informative. Also, thanks for making Blender Market a great Development Fund site. Blender is dear to my heart and hope it last forever. :-) Work calls!!

  • Grady Pruitt(gradyp)

    Great discussion today!

  • ghost0fdawn

    No more questions. Just after I answer this next question. -Kent Trammell, again.

  • Scott McClellan(pffsfs)

    Cool. Thanks. Sounds good

  • benzychan

    Probably a stupid question but is it alright to utilize the blender market when your products aren't only made with blender?

  • Jonathan Lampel(jlampel)

    pffsfs Definitely!

  • ghost0fdawn

    Create a beautiful render and break it up into the individual parts to sell? Good idea.

  • masonblenderrender

    Cheers. That's good input.

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Here at CGCookie, we refer to the Blender Market as our "startup". It represents another facet of the CGC mission: Enabling artists to be successful. It's a platform that offers Blender artists a place to earn income by selling Blender products, such as add-ons and shaders.

We've got Matthew Muldoon (Market Manager & creator of blendswap.com) and Jonathan Williamson on stream today to discuss the philosophy and mission of the market as well as how to best harness the platform to earn income.