• panboy

    as far as i know yes about draw calls, but i could be wrong , we must all recall we can be wrong

  • Jan-Willem van Dronkelaar(3dioot)

    Shawn understood. Optimizing it is simple anyway. :)

  • Theory Studios(theoryanimation)

    ..or bake a base color and a ao and combine them.

  • Shawn Blanch(blanchsb)

    Part of this was just me modeling what I wanted to use for a game but practicing my modeling skills in general I was hitting road blocks on the standard model. This would not fly in a game as is.

  • Theory Studios(theoryanimation)

    You could bake an AO map and use that as a guide to paint the colors.

  • Shawn Blanch(blanchsb)

    Subdiv was just used to get the shape then faking that detail on a much more simplified object. I haven't gotten that far

  • Jan-Willem van Dronkelaar(3dioot)

    panboy its weird were talking subdiv for a mobile game in the first place... It has become a bit nonsensical.

  • panboy

    [Q] Oh and to answer the question you just asked, Every separate mesh is a new draw call, when speed is essential you want as few draw calls per frame as possible

  • Shawn Blanch(blanchsb)

    [Q] If you make separate objects to keep geometry simple then doesn't it cause issues when animating or deforming meshes? I guess that is why I kept them together

  • panboy

    [Q] But what if we literally cant paint, is there a way to project those 3D details onto a texture

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Whether it's a retopology challenge with edge loops out of control, something simple that just doesn't reflect the right way, or a shape you're not sure how to make, let's work through it together! Submissions are due by October 10th. 
