• Pavel Mazanik(nekronavt)

    Yeah, like Ken said.

  • Aaron Rudderham(thecabbagedetective)

    As an FYI for all gamedevs in here, Humble Bundle is having a Unity themed bundle up at the moment, which includes Unity assets and whatnot alongside games.

  • Jake Korosi(jakeblended)

    In the Principled Shader, the default .5 specular setting is "physically accurate" for nearly all materials

  • Ken Claassen(cptken)

    I don't think a reflection probe is gonna do what you want. It's basically a way to approximate reflections in real time while still having good performance

  • c
    Wilco Wilbrink(carrotnl)

    Yes Jake, thats what i mean

  • Pavel Mazanik(nekronavt)

    They are like in Unity and Unreal

  • Ken Claassen(cptken)

    Typically there are two types of PBR, one that uses Metalic and one that uses specular. Its weird to see them both in the same place.

  • Jake Korosi(jakeblended)

    See ya Jere!

  • Jere Haapaharju(swikni)

    Not getting tired because of the stream, just had a long day lol

  • Jake Korosi(jakeblended)

    Kent - no I think he means, .5 specular is physically accurate almost always

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This event concludes the August 2018 Class, "Getting Started with 3D Modeling & Blender"

Guys. We made it! Another class concludes; another batch of Blenderheads born. This week we're taking it pretty easy: Looking back at week 4 homework, karaoke, zen meditation, and fielding any questions you have about 3D modeling and/or Blender 2.8.
