• Piotr Brzostyński(brzostek)

    My bad 1995, not 1997, but you get the point

  • pieriko

    I think at pixar, they try to reacha second of animation per character for an hour worked by a pro animator

  • pieriko

    animating 10 minutes of movie would take like a year for a single animator for a "descent" result

  • pieriko

    They couldn't afford a team of animator

  • pieriko

    That's why I agree the animation might be the problem...

    Well.... It's not accusation

  • Piotr Brzostyński(brzostek)

    Toy Story came out in 1997 and yeah, some motions (especially on human characters) feel stiff and weird, but overall the animation was superb, especially compared to Elephants Dream. So probably inexperienced animators...

  • pieriko

    they should try to run it on EEVEE :D

  • m

    agree with pieriko

  • pieriko

    you can do awesome animation with basic rig

  • pieriko

    There are problme in the animation over technical. Timing, splines...

We're going way back in time to the dark ages of computer graphics: 2006. Blender had been open source for only 3 years when Ton Roosendaal and his Blender Foundation decides to challenge convention and make a legitimate animated short film. The result was "Elephants Dream". It sent ripples through the computer graphics industry, being compared to the likes of Pixar. It also pushed Blender's development forward, proving to the world what was possible *without* expensive commercial applications.

Directed by Bassam Kurdali and a 6-person artist team, this film made history. Today Lampel and I are reviewing "Elephants Dream" with special guest Tim Von Rueden! Join us as we consider the film's narrative, artistry, and technical execution.

Film Reviews