• Karen Trevino(ketre)

    oh hell I didn't see that!!! woo hoo grabs my pen

  • Omar Domenech(dostovel)

    You sculpted a dog under the sheets JL

  • Karen Trevino(ketre)

    I tried, nope...

  • R
    Rita G

    Can you lift cloth with Cloth brush?

  • Peter Varga(rationalrats)

    it's so weird that there isn't a default subdivide hotkey, no?

  • Karen Trevino(ketre)

    twist or rotate also

  • Omar Domenech(dostovel)

    That brush is black magic

  • R
    Rita G

    I have seen demos of cloth brush. Gee, girls in demo video screamed at the wrinkles in cloth. 😕

  • Omar Domenech(dostovel)

    Never used the cloth brush

  • undiscovered

    [Q] is there a way to make a vertex group that you only want to affect with the remesh so you can protect other high detail areas?

Come explore and discuss the latest features of Blender! 

Blender 2.83 comes with lots of updates to grease pencil drawing, modeling modifiers, sculpting brushes, Cycles & Eevee rendering, and more! During this livestream, we'll run through all the important changes that might have an impact on your workflow. 

Come prepared with questions (post below if you want to make sure I hit them) or just grab some coffee and get a heads up on what to expect for whenever you update.  

You can find the full release notes here: wiki.blender.org/wiki/Reference/Release_Notes/2.83
