• William Miller(williamatics)

    Yes; details are exactly what I struggle with.

  • Jake Korosi(jakeblended)

    At some point a class on hard-surface sculpting would be great!

  • Wiktor (happygamer)

    yes vehicles!

  • q

    Hard surface stuff

  • William Miller(williamatics)

    QUESTION: Could the next class be about modeling vehicles (Especially tanks and spacecraft)?

  • lhumungus

    I find doing a body helps me decide how the clothes are going to fit

  • v
    John Crawford(vaculik)

    Game character - can change outfit in-game.

  • Omar Domenech(dostovel)

    Oh god, not PG-13 for sure

  • lhumungus

    jjack , I usually do the full doll body and then add the clothes afterwards, but others do clothes separate

  • Jack (jack07)

    QUESTION: Is it a good idea to start sculpting the character's body like a doll, and then sculpt clothes over it? Or just go to the clothes?

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This event is part of the March 2018 Class, "Creating Stylized Characters with Blender".

This week centers around the strategy of being a character artist. It's not all fun and digital play-dough. Sculpting is one thing; character *modeling* is another thing.

At this point a decision needs to be made about our character sculptures: A) Leave it as a sculpture or B) optimize it for ‘production’. Leaving it as a sculpture means it’s a static sculpture that can be painted, rendered, or 3D printed but not animated. Optimizing it for production means you turn your sculpture into a model that’s easiest to work with up to and including animation. If you opt for optimization, this week is mostly a technical and problem-solving task. We need to both retopologize our mesh and also neutralize it if the sculpt is posed.

Classes Modeling