
Gone Fishing Final

Blender + Cycles 1000 sample. Took me ages to fine tune the render to be free of fireflies but I finally got it. The structure consists of 2 stone structure on each side of a river. The “bridge” has been adapted to be a covered patio/dining area. Hope you guys like it. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated :)
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  • gutendog author

    I know but its how the architect wanted it. They've designed it that the stream in the foreground is almost like a paddling pool and created a channel system to make sure it doesn't flood.

  • I think it would help to raise the bridge a tad. It seems a little odd to have it flush with the water.

  • gutendog author

    Thanks for the kind words. Yeah, I've had others also mention the water as well. When I was rendering I thought adding more noise would distract from the sense of "calmness". When I have time, I'll fix that and re-render. Time to watch Kent's shader forge on water :P

    Thanks for the input :)

  • Very nice render. I like the volumetric lighting and the fog effect. Not to be picky but the water could use a little noise. Nice composition and overall good work keep at it. Thanks for sharing.